Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Assembly Source File
929 lines
;--- zansi.asm ----------------------------------------------------------
; Zephyr ANSI terminal driver.
; Copyright (C) 1986-1987, Thomas Hanlin III, Alexandria VA.
; Based on original code for NANSI by Daniel Kegel, Pasadena CA.
; from zansi_f.asm
extrn f_escape:near, f_in_escape:near
; from zansi_p.asm
extrn param_end:word
; from zansi_i.asm
extrn dosfn0:near
; to zansi_p.asm
public f_loopdone
public f_not_ansi
public f_ansi_exit
; to both zansi_p.asm and zansi_f.asm
public cur_x, cur_y, max_x, cur_attrib
; to zansi_f.asm
public xy_to_regs, get_blank_attrib
public port_6845
public wrap_flag
public cur_parm_ptr
public cur_coords, saved_coords, max_y
public escvector, string_term
public cpr_esc, cprseq
public video_mode
; to zansi_i.asm
public req_ptr, break_handler
public int_29
; to all modules
keybuf struc ; Used in getchar
len dw ?
adr dw ?
keybuf ends
ABS40 segment at 40h
org 1ah
buffer_head dw ? ; Used in 'flush input buffer' dos call.
buffer_tail dw ?
org 49h
crt_mode db ?
crt_cols dw ?
crt_len dw ?
crt_start dw ?
cursor_posn dw 8 dup (?)
cursor_mode dw ?
active_page db ?
addr_6845 dw ?
crt_mode_set db ? ; = 7 only if monochrome display adaptor
crt_palette db ?
org 6ch
timer_low dw ? ; low word of time-of-day counter (18.2 hz)
ABS40 ends
CODE segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:code, ds:code
; Device Driver Header
org 0
dd -1 ; next device
dw 8013h ; attributes
dw strategy ; request header pointer entry
dw interrupt ; request entry point
db 'CON', 5 dup(' ') ; device name (8 char)
;----- variable area --------------------
req_ptr label dword
req_off dw ?
req_seg dw ?
wrap_flag db 1 ; 0 = no wrap past line end
escvector dw 0 ; state vector of ESCape sequencer
video_mode db 3 ; ROM BIOS video mode (2=BW, 3=color)
max_y db 24
max_cur_x label word ; used to get both max & cur at once
max_x db 79 ; line width (79 for 80x25 modes)
cur_coords label word
cur_x db 0 ; cursor position (0 = left edge)
cur_y db 0 ; (0 = top edge)
saved_coords dw ? ; holds XY after a SCP escape sequence
string_term db 0 ; either escape or double quote
cur_attrib db 7 ; current char attributes
cur_page db 0 ; current display page
video_seg dw ? ; segment of video card
f_cptr_seg dw ? ; part of fastout write buffer pointer
cur_parm_ptr dw ? ; last byte of parm area now used
port_6845 dw ? ; port address of 6845 card
brkkeybuf db 3 ; control C
fnkeybuf db ? ; holds second byte of fn key codes
cpr_buf db 8 dup (?), '['
cpr_esc db 27 ; descending buffer for cpr function
; following four keybufs hold information about input
; Storage order determines priority- since the characters making up a function
; key code must never be separated (say, by a Control-Break), they have the
; highest priority, and so on. Keyboard keys (except ctrl-break) have the
; lowest priority.
fnkey keybuf <0, fnkeybuf> ; fn key string (0 followed by scan code)
cprseq keybuf <0> ; CPR string (ESC [ y;x R)
brkkey keybuf <0, brkkeybuf> ; ^C
xlatseq keybuf <0> ; keyboard reassignment string
;------ xy_to_regs --------------------------------------------
; on entry: x in cur_x, y in cur_y
; on exit: dx = chars left on line, di = address
; Alters ax, bx.
xy_to_regs proc near
; Find number of chars til end of line, keep in DX
mov ax,max_cur_x
mov bl,ah
xor bh,bh
mov dx,ax
sub dx,bx
inc dx ; DX is # of chars till EOL
; Calculate DI = current address in text buffer
inc ax ; AL = max_x
mul cur_y
add ax,bx ; AX is # of chars into buffer
shl ax,1
mov di,ax ; DI is now offset of cursor.
xy_to_regs endp
;------- dos_fn_tab -------------
; This table is used in "interrupt" to call the routine that handles
; the requested function.
max_cmd equ 12
dw dosfn0, nopcmd, nopcmd, badcmd, dosfn4, dosfn5, dosfn6
dw dosfn7, dosfn8, dosfn8, nopcmd, nopcmd
;------- strategy ----------------------------------------------------
; DOS calls strategy with a request which is to be executed later.
; Strategy just saves the request.
strategy proc far
mov cs:req_off,BX
mov cs:req_seg,ES
strategy endp
;------ interrupt -----------------------------------------------------
; This is where the request handed us during "strategy" is
; actually carried out.
; Calls one of 12 subroutines depending on the function requested.
; Each subroutine returns with exit status in AX.
interrupt proc far
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
push bp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
; Read requested function information into registers
lds bx,cs:req_ptr
mov al,2[BX] ; al = function code
les si,14[BX] ; ES:SI = input/output buffer addr
mov cx,18[BX] ; cx = input/output byte count
cmp al,max_cmd
ja unk_command ; too big, exit with error code
mov bx,ax
shl bx,1 ; form index to table of words
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
call word ptr dos_fn_tab[bx]
lds bx,cs:req_ptr ; report status
or ax,100h ; (always set done bit upon exit)
mov 3[bx],ax
pop ES ; restore caller's registers
pop DS
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
ret ; return to DOS.
call badcmd
jmp int_done
interrupt endp
;----- BIOS break handler -----------------------------------------
; Called by BIOS when Control-Break is hit (vector was set up in Init).
; Simply notes that a break was hit. Flag is checked during input calls.
break_handler proc
mov cs:brkkey.len, 1
break_handler endp
;------ badcmd -------------------------------------------------------
; Invalid function request by DOS.
badcmd proc near
mov ax, 813h ; return "Error: invalid cmd"
badcmd endp
;------ nopcmd -------------------------------------------------------
; Unimplemented or dummy function request by DOS.
nopcmd proc near
xor ax, ax ; No error, not busy.
nopcmd endp
;------- dos function #4 -----------------------------------------------
; Reads CX characters from the keyboard, places them in buffer at ES:SI.
dosfn4 proc near
jcxz dos4done
mov di,si
dos4lp: push cx
call getchar
pop cx
loop dos4lp
xor ax,ax ; No error, not busy.
dosfn4 endp
;-------- dos function #5: non-destructive input, no wait ------
; One-character lookahead into the keyboard buffer.
; If no characters in buffer, return BUSY; otherwise, get value of first
; character of buffer, stuff into request header, return DONE.
dosfn5 proc near
call peekchar
jz dos5_busy
lds bx,req_ptr
mov [bx+0Dh], al
xor ax, ax ; No error, not busy.
mov ax, 200h ; No error, busy.
dosfn5 endp
;-------- dos function #6: input status --------------------------
; Returns "busy" if no characters waiting to be read.
dosfn6 proc near
call peekchar
mov ax, 200h ; No error, busy.
jz dos6_exit
xor ax, ax ; No error, not busy.
dosfn6 endp
;-------- dos function #7: flush input buffer --------------------
; Clears the IBM keyboard input buffer. Since it is a circular
; queue, we can do this without knowing the beginning and end
; of the buffer; all we need to do is set the tail of the queue
; equal to the head (as if we had read the entire queue contents).
; Also resets all the device driver's stuffahead buffers.
dosfn7 proc near
mov ax, abs40
mov es, ax
mov ax, es:buffer_head ; clear queue by making the tail
mov es:buffer_tail, ax ; equal to the head
xor ax, ax ; no error, not busy
mov fnkey.len, ax ; Reset the stuffahead buffers.
mov cprseq.len, ax
mov brkkey.len, ax
mov xlatseq.len, ax
dosfn7 endp
;------ int_29 ----------------------------------------------
; Int 29 handles DOS quick-access putchar.
; Last device loaded with attribute bit 4 set gets accessed for
; single-character writes via int 29h instead of via interrupt.
; Must preserve all registers.
; Installed as int 29h by dosfn0 (init).
int_29_buf db ?
int_29 proc near
push ds
push es
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
push bp
push si
push di
mov cx,1
mov bx,cs
mov es,bx
mov ds,bx
mov si,offset int_29_buf
mov [si],al
call dosfn8
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
pop es
pop ds
int_29 endp
;------ dosfn8 -------------------------------------------------------
; Handles writes to the device (with or without verify).
; Called with
; CX = number of bytes to write
; ES:SI = transfer buffer
; DS = CS, so we can access local variables.
dosfn8 proc near
mov f_cptr_seg, es ; save segment of char ptr
; Read the BIOS buffer address/cursor position variables.
mov ax,abs40
mov ds,ax
assume ds:abs40
; Find current video mode and screen size.
mov ax,word ptr crt_mode ; al = crt mode; ah = # of columns
mov cs:video_mode, al
dec ah ; ah = max column
mov cs:max_x, ah
; Find current cursor coordinates.
mov al,active_page
shl ax,1
mov bx,ax
mov ax,cursor_posn[bx]
mov cs:cur_coords,AX
; Find video buffer segment address; adjust so ofs is 0; return in AX.
; DS is abs40.
mov ax,addr_6845 ; 6845 address
mov cs:port_6845,ax
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
assume ds:code
mov ax,0B000h ; assume it's a monochrome card...
cmp video_mode,7
jz d8_gots
mov ah,0B8h ; but if not mode 7, it's color.
mov video_seg,ax
mov es,ax
call xy_to_regs ; Set DX, DI according to cur_coords.
; | If in graphics mode, clear old pseudocursor
cmp cs:video_mode, 4
jb d8_no_cp
cmp cs:video_mode, 7
jz d8_no_cp
call pseudocursor ; write block in xor
mov ah, cur_attrib
mov ds, f_cptr_seg ; get segment of char ptr
assume ds:nothing
cld ; make sure we'll increment
; Get a character, put it on the screen, repeat 'til end of line
; or no more characters.
jcxz f_loopdone ; if count = 0, we're already done.
cmp cs:escvector, 0 ; If in middle of an escape sequence,
jnz f_in_escapex ; jump to escape sequence handler.
f_tloop: ; If not in graphics mode, jump to alternate loop
; What a massive kludge! A better approach would have been
; to collect characters for a "write n chars" routine
; which would handle both text and graphics modes.
cmp cs:video_mode,4
jb f_t_cloop
cmp cs:video_mode,7
jz f_t_cloop
lodsb ; get char! (al = ds:[si++])
cmp al,28 ; is it a control char?
jb f_control ; maybe...
call putchar
dec dx ; count down to end of line
loopnz f_g_cloop ; and go back for more.
jmp short f_t_at_eol
lodsb ; get char! (al = ds:[si++])
cmp al,28 ; is it a control char?
jb f_control ; maybe...
stosw ; Put Char! (es:[di++] = ax)
dec dx ; count down to end of line
loopnz f_t_cloop ; and go back for more.
jz f_at_eol ; at end of line; maybe do a crlf.
jmp short f_loopdone
f_ansi_exit: ; in case we switched into
loopnz f_tloop ; a graphics mode
jz f_at_eol
;--------- All done with write request -----------
; DI is cursor address; cursor position in cur_y, dl.
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax ; get our segment back
assume ds:code
; Restore cur_x = max_x - dx + 1.
mov al, max_x
inc al
sub al, dl
mov cur_x, al
; Set cursor position; cursor adr in DI; cursor pos in cur_x,cur_y
call set_pseudocursor
; Return to DOS.
xor ax, ax ; No error, not busy.
;---- handle control characters ----
; Note: cur_x is not kept updated in memory, but can be
; computed from max_x and dx.
; Cur_y is kept updated in memory.
cmp al,13 ; carriage return?
jz f_cr
cmp al,10 ; line feed?
jz f_lf
cmp al,27 ; Is it an escape?
jz f_escapex
cmp al,8 ; backspace?
jz f_bs
cmp al,9 ; tab?
jz f_tabx
cmp al,7 ; bell?
jz f_bell
f_not_ansi: ; not a control char
cmp cs:video_mode, 4
jb f_t_nctl
cmp cs:video_mode, 7
jz f_t_nctl
jmp f_g_nctl
f_tabx: jmp f_tab
jmp f_escape
jmp f_in_escape
f_bs: ;----- Handle backspace -----------------
; Moves cursor back one space without erasing. No wraparound.
cmp dl, cs:max_x ; wrap around to previous line?
ja fbs_wrap ; yep; disallow it.
dec di ; back up one char & attrib
dec di
inc dx ; and note one more char left on line.
jmp f_looploop
f_bell: ;----- Handle bell ----------------------
call beep
or al, al ; clear z
jmp f_looploop ; Let main loop decrement cx.
f_cr: ;----- Handle carriage return -----------
; di -= cur_x<<1; set di= address of start of line
; dx=max_x+1; set bx= chars left in line
mov al, cs:max_x
inc ax
sub al,dl ; Get cur_x into ax.
sub di,ax
sub di,ax
mov dl,cs:max_x ; Full line ahead of us.
inc dx
mov ah,cs:cur_attrib ; restore current attribute
or al,1 ; clear z
jmp f_looploop ; and let main loop decrement cx
;----- Handle overrunning right end of screen -------
; cx++; compensate for double loop
; if (!wrap_flag) { dx++; di-=2; }
; else do_crlf;
inc cx
test cs:wrap_flag, 1
jnz feol_wrap
dec di
dec di
inc dx
jmp f_looploop
; dx=max_x+1; set bx= chars left in line
; di -= 2*(max_x+1);
; do_lf
mov dl, cs:max_x
inc dx
sub di, dx
sub di, dx
; fall thru to line feed routine
f_lf: ;----- Handle line feed -----------------
; if (cur_y >= max_y) scroll; scroll screen up if needed
; else { cur_y++; di += max_x<<1; else increment Y
mov al,cs:Max_y
cmp cs:Cur_y,al ; do we need to scroll screen?
jae flf_scroll ; yes, do it
inc cs:cur_y
mov al,cs:Max_x
inc ax
shl ax,1
add di,ax
mov ah,cs:cur_attrib ; restore current attribute
or al,1 ; clear z
jmp f_looploop ; and let main loop decrement cx
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
call get_blank_attrib
mov bh,ah ; color to use on new blank areas
mov dl,cs:max_x
mov dh,cs:max_y
cmp cs:video_mode,4
jb flf_scrollt
cmp cs:video_mode,7
je flf_scrollt
mov al,1 ; AL is number of lines to scroll.
mov ah,6 ; BIOS: scroll up
xor cx,cx
int 10h ; call BIOS to scroll a rectangle.
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov ah,cs:cur_attrib ; restore current attribute
or al,1 ; clear z
jmp f_looploop ; and let main loop decrement cx
push es
push ds
push si
push di
mov ax,abs40
mov ds,ax
assume ds:abs40
mov al,active_page
mov cx,ax
xor di,di ; starting video loc
mov ax,0B000h ; assume mono
cmp cs:video_mode,7
je flf_st_got
mov ah,0B8h ; it's color
jcxz flf_st_got
add di,4096 ; move to active page
loop flf_st_getpage
mov ds,ax ; set DS and ES to video segment
mov es,ax
mov si,di
mov al,dh
inc dx
mul dl
mov cx,ax ; CX is number of chars to move
xor dh,dh
add si,dx
add si,dx ; SI points to one line below DI
rep movsw ; scroll it
mov cx,dx ; CX is chars per line
mov ah,bh ; attribute
mov al," "
rep stosw ; clear the bottom line
pop di
pop si
pop ds
pop es
assume ds:code
jmp flf_scroll_done
f_tab: ;----- Handle tab expansion -------------
; Get cur_x into al.
mov al, cs:max_x
inc al
sub al, dl
; Calculate number of spaces to output.
push cx ; save cx
mov cl, al ; get zero based x coordinate
and cx,7
neg cl
add cl,8 ; 0 -> 8, 1 -> 8, ... 7 -> 1
sub dx, cx ; update chars-to-eol, maybe set z
pushf ; || save Z for main loop
; ah is still current attribute. Move CX spaces to the screen.
mov al, ' '
cmp cs:video_mode, 4
cmp cs:video_mode, 7
jnz f_tab_putc
popf ; || restore Z flag for main loop test
pop cx ; restore cx
jmp f_looploop ; Let main loop decrement cx.
;--------------- graphics mode support -----------------------
f_tab_putc: ; graphics mode- call putc to put the char
add dx, cx ; move back to start of tab
call putchar
dec dx ; go to next cursor position
loop f_tp_lp
popf ; Z set if wrapped around EOL
pop cx
jmp f_looploop
;---- putchar ------------------------------------------------
; Writes char AL, attribute AH to screen at (max_x+1-dl), cur_y.
; On entry, registers set up as per xy_to_regs.
; Preserves all registers.
putchar proc near
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
; 1. Set cursor position.
mov al, cs:max_x
inc al
sub al,dl
mov cs:cur_x, al
mov dx, cs:cur_coords ; get X & Y into DX
xor bx, bx ; choose dpy page 0
mov ah, 2 ; chose "Set Cursor Position"
int 10h ; call ROM BIOS
; 2. Write char & attribute.
mov cx,1
pop ax ; get char in AL
push ax
mov bl,ah ; attribute in BL
xor bh,bh
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
putchar endp
;---- set_pseudocursor ------------
; If in graphics mode, set pseudocursor, else set real cursor.
; Destroys DS!!!!
set_pseudocursor proc near
cmp cs:video_mode, 4
cmp cs:video_mode, 7
jnz pseudocursor
SET_CURS: ; Write directly to 6845 cursor address register.
mov bx,di
shr bx,1 ; convert word index to byte index
mov dx,Port_6845
mov al,0Eh
out dx,al
jmp $+2
inc dx
mov al, bh
out dx, al
jmp $+2
dec dx
mov al, 0fh
out dx, al
jmp $+2
inc dx
mov al, bl
out dx, al
; Set cursor position in low memory.
assume ds:abs40
mov ax, abs40
mov ds, ax
mov ax, cs:cur_coords
mov cursor_posn,ax
assume ds:code
set_pseudocursor endp
;---- pseudocursor --------------------------------------------------
; Writes a color 15 block in XOR at the current cursor location.
; Preserves DS, ES, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI.
; Should be disableable- the pseudocursor slows down single-char
; writes by a factor of three.
pseudocursor proc near
mov ax, 8f16h ; xor, color 15, ^V (small block)
call putchar
pseudocursor endp
;--------------- end of graphics mode support --------------------
dosfn8 endp
;--- get_blank_attrib ------------------------------------------------
; Determine new attribute and character for a new blank region.
; Use current attribute, just disallow blink and underline.
; (Pretty strange way to do it. Might want to disallow rev vid, too.)
; Returns result in AH, preserves all other registers.
get_blank_attrib proc near
xor ah,ah
cmp cs:video_mode, 4
jb GB_TX
cmp cs:video_mode, 7
jnz gb_aok ; if graphics mode, 0 is bkgnd
mov ah, cs:cur_attrib
and ah,7fh ; disallow blink
cmp cs:video_mode,7 ; monochrome?
jne gb_aok
cmp ah,1 ; underline?
jne gb_aok
mov ah,7 ; yep- set it to normal.
gb_aok: ret
get_blank_attrib endp
;---- searchbuf --------------------------------------------
; Called by getchar and peekchar to see if any characters are
; waiting to be gotten from sources other than BIOS.
; Returns with Z set if no chars found, BX=keybuf & SI=keybuf.len otherwise.
searchbuf proc near
; Search the stuffahead buffers.
mov cx,4 ; number of buffers to check for chars
mov bx,offset fnkey -4
sbloop: add bx,4 ; point to next buffer record
mov si,[bx].len
or si,si ; empty?
loopz sbloop ; if so, loop.
searchbuf endp
;---- getchar -----------------------------------------------
; Returns AL = next char.
; Trashes AX, BX, CX, BP, SI.
getchar proc near
; See if any chars are waiting in stuffahead buffers.
call searchbuf
jz gc_trykbd ; No chars? Try the keyboard.
; A nonempty buffer was found.
dec [bx].len
dec si
mov bp, [bx].adr ; get pointer to string
mov al, byte ptr ds:[bp][si]; get the char
; Recognize function key sequences, move them to highest priority
; queue.
sub si,1 ; set carry if si=0
jc gc_nofnkey ; no chars left -> nothing to protect.
cmp bx, offset fnkey
jz gc_nofnkey ; already highest priority -> done.
or al,al
jnz gc_nofnkey ; nonzero first byte -> not fnkey.
; Found a function key; move it to highest priority queue.
dec [bx].len
mov ah, byte ptr ds:[bp][si]; get the second byte of fn key code
mov fnkey.len, 1
mov fnkeybuf, ah ; save it.
ret ; Valid char in AL. Return with it.
xor ah,ah
int 16h ; BIOS returns with char in AX
; If it's Ctrl-break, it has already been taken care of.
or ax, ax
jz gc_trykbd
gcbark: or al,al ; Is it a function key?
jz gc_fnkey ; yep, special treatment
gcdone: ret ; with character in AL.
getchar endp
;---- peekchar -----------------------------------------------
; Returns Z if no character ready, AL=char otherwise.
; Trashes AX, BX, CX, BP, SI.
peekchar proc near
call searchbuf
jz pc_trykbd ; No chars? Try the keyboard.
; A nonempty buffer was found.
dec si
mov bp,[bx].adr ; get pointer to string
mov al,byte ptr ds:[bp][si] ; get the char
; Valid char from buffer in AL. Return with it.
jmp short pcdone
pc_brk: int 16h ; get rid of control-break in buffer
mov ah,1
int 16h ; BIOS returns with char in AX
jz pcexit
or ax,ax
jz pc_brk ; If ctl-brk, it's already been taken care of- kill it.
pcdone: or ah,1 ; NZ; char ready!
pcexit: ret ; with character in AL, Z true if no char waiting.
peekchar endp
;---- beep ------------------------------------------------------
; Beep speaker; period given by beep_div, duration by beep_len.
; Preserves all registers.
beep_div dw 1300 ; fairly close to IBM beep
beep_len dw 3 ; 3/18 sec- shorter than IBM
beep proc near
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
push bp
push si
push di
mov al,10110110b ; select 8253
mov dx,43h ; control port address
out dx,al
dec dx ; timer 2 address
mov ax, cs:beep_div
out dx,al ; low byte of divisor
mov al,ah
out dx,al ; high byte of divisor
mov dx,61h
in al,dx ; get current value of control bits
push ax
or al, 3
out dx,al ; turn speaker on
; Wait for desired duration by monitoring time-of-day 18 Hz clock
push es
mov ax,abs40
mov es,ax
assume es:abs40
mov bx,timer_low
add bx,cs:beep_len
mov cx, -1 ; emergency, in case clock dead
beeplp: mov ax, timer_low
cmp ax,bx
loopne beeplp
pop es
assume es:code
pop ax
and al,0FCh ; turn speaker off
out dx,al
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
beep endp
CODE ends